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Academia Del Pueblo ENROLLMENT FORM: 2022-2023 

Resides in Household
Authorized to pick Up

Thank you for your interest in attending Academia Del Pueblo.  Academia Del Pueblo accepts students attending Kindergarten to 8th grade.  For Kindergarten, the student must be 5 years of age by September 1st of the attending school year.   In order to complete the steps needed to be granted Enrollment at Academia Del Pueblo, please complete sections 1-3, and submit the necessary documentation.  

Thanks for Enrolling! Our team will reach out within 72 business hours

Section 1:

Proof of Age and Identity

Documentation required:

*Proof of Age and Identity: At the time of enrollment, charter schools are required to provide the parent/guardian with written notice that within 30 days they must submit one of the following documents:[8]

      A certified copy of the student’s birth certificate[9]; or

      Other reliable proof of the student’s identity, including a baptismal certificate, an application for a social security number, or original school registration records. If documentation other than a certified copy of a birth certificate is provided, such documentation must be accompanied by an affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate;

      If a student is in the custody of the Department of Child Safety (“DCS”), a letter from the authorized representative of the agency certifying that the student has been legally placed in custody of the agency. Charter schools must carefully safeguard and maintain confidentiality regarding the status of children in DCS custody.[10]


*Homeless Children:  Charter schools processing students identified as falling under the authority of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act shall immediately enroll the homeless child or youth. Enrollment should proceed even if the prospective student cannot produce records normally required for enrollment; this mandate also applies to unaccompanied minors.[11] 

Section 2:

Parent Military Status

*Military Students:

For members of the armed services, a charter school may enroll a student if the parent provides a hard-copy or electronic document of their transfer, or pending transfer, to a military installation within the state. The parent must provide official documentation of residency within ten days after the arrival date which may include a temporary on-base billeting facility as the address. [7] 

Is the child’s mother or father an active member of the Armed Forces?

Section 3:

Proof of Residency

Arizona Department of Education Arizona Residency Guidelines REVISED 11/08/2021  

Disclaimer: The Arizona Department of Education is providing these guidelines as technical assistance to the field. These guidelines are how the Arizona Department of Education interprets the below statutes and are not binding nor is it legal advice. If you have any legal questions, please consult an attorney.  


Local educational agencies are required to provide all children who reside within the school district with equal access to public education at the elementary and secondary level. The U.S. Supreme Court held in Plyer v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982), that the undocumented or non-citizen status of a student (or his or her parent/guardian) is irrelevant to that student’s entitlement to an elementary and secondary public education. However, pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-823, a school district or charter school may not include non-Arizona-resident pupils in their student count and may not obtain state aid for those pupils.  


In Arizona, the “district of residence” of a student is determined by the residency of the parent or guardian with whom the student lives. In some cases, the district of residence may also be determined by the residency of a relative who is seeking legal guardianship or custody of a student. A.R.S. § 15-821(D). In addition, if a school district governing board determines that a student’s “physical, mental, moral or emotional health is best served by placement with a grandparent, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, aunt or uncle who is a resident within the school district,” and the placement with that relative is not “solely for the purpose of obtaining an education in this state without payment of tuition,” the student is considered a resident of the district. A.R.S. § 15-823(C).  


Accordingly, it is the responsibility of the school districts and charter schools that receive state aid to ensure that student/parent residency information is accurate and verifiable. While a district may restrict attendance to district residents based on available classroom space,2 inquiring into students’ citizenship or immigration status, or that of their parents or guardians, is not relevant to establishing residency within the district. A school district or charter school may not bar a student from enrolling because he or she lacks a birth certificate or has records indicating a foreign place of birth, such as a foreign birth certificate. 3  


The Arizona Department of Education may audit schools to ensure that only Arizona resident students are reported for state aid. Any school district or charter school that cannot demonstrate the accuracy of any student’s residency through documents provided by the parent/guardian may be required to repay the state aid received for that  


1 See also Martinez v. Bynum, 461 U.S. 321 (1983).

2 Pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-816 and A.R.S. § 15-816.01, Arizona’s mandatory open enrollment policies allow a student to apply for admission and transfer to any public school of his or her choice, based on available classroom space, even if it is outside of the student’s district of residence. There are two basic types of open enrollment policies: 1) Intra-district: Students transfer to another school within the resident school district, or 2) Inter-district: Students transfer to a school outside of their resident district.

3 For more information, please read  


Student. The following are examples of verifiable documentation parents may provide to demonstrate that they reside in a district.  




A.R.S. § 15-802(B) requires school districts and charter schools to obtain and maintain verifiable documentation of Arizona residency upon enrollment in an Arizona public school. This document is designed to assist school districts and charter schools in meeting the legal requirements of the statute.


 The documentation required by A.R.S. § 15-802 must be provided at initial enrollment of a student in a school district or charter school in this state and reaffirmed, although not necessarily recollected, during the district or charter’s annual registration process. This process will vary by the school, school district, or charter school (i.e. an annual form asking parents to confirm address).  


Every school district or charter school is required,4 within 30 days of enrollment, to obtain a certified copy of a pupil’s birth certificate or other reliable proof of the pupil’s identity and age,5 or a letter from the authorized representative of an agency having custody of the pupil pursuant to title 8, chapter 2 certifying that the pupil has been placed in the custody of the agency as prescribed by law. A school district or charter school MAY seek photo identification from the person enrolling a student to ensure that the adult is entitled to enroll the student in school, as long such a requirement does NOT unlawfully bar a student from enrolling in school.6  


In case of an ADE Audit, the school, school district or charter school will be asked what process is used and what documentation is obtained via this process. If the student’s residence has not changed, an affirmation (via a checkbox) that the previously provided proof of residency remains accurate should be sufficient. The documentation supporting Arizona residency should be maintained according to the school’s records retention schedule.  


For members of the armed services, a school may enroll a student if the parent provides a hard-copy or electronic document of their transfer or pending transfer to a military installation within the state. The parent must provide official documentation of residency within ten days after the arrival date which may include a temporary on-base billeting facility as their address. PROOF OF RESIDENCY IS NOT REQUIRED FOR HOMELESS STUDENTS.7 42 U.S.C.§ 11 432(g)(3)(C)(i).


In general, students will fall into one of two groups: (1) those whose parent or legal guardian is able to provide documentation bearing his or her name and address; and (2) those whose parent or legal guardian cannot document his or her own residence because of extenuating circumstances including, but not limited to, that the family’s household is multi-generational. Different documentation is required for each circumstance.  


1. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) that maintains his or her own residence: The parent or legal guardian must complete and sign a form indicating his or her name, the name of the school district, school site, or

4 A.R.S. §15-828.

5 Other proof of the pupil’s identity/age includes: pupil’s baptismal certificate, an application for social security number or original school registration records and an affidavit explaining inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate, A.R.S. § 15-828 (A)(1)-(3).

6 For more information, please read U.S. DOJ Civil Rights Division “Fact Sheet: Information on the Rights of All Children to Enroll in School”,

7 Per A.R.S. §15-824 (C), "Homeless student" means a pupil who has a primary residence that is: (1) A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations; (2) An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalize or; (3) A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.  charter school in which the student is being enrolled, and provide one of the following documents, which bear the parent or legal guardian’s full name and residential address or physical description of the property where the student resides (no P.O. Boxes):


• Valid Arizona driver’s license, Arizona identification card  

• Valid Arizona motor vehicle registration

• Valid Arizona Address Confidentiality Program authorization card

• Property deed/Mortgage documents

• Property tax bill

• Rental agreement or lease (including Section 8 agreement or off-base military housing)

• Utility bill (water, electric, gas, cable, phone)

• Bank or credit card statement

• W-2 wage statement

• Payroll stub

• Certificate of tribal enrollment (506 Form) or other identification issued by a recognized Indian tribe  


located in Arizona

• Other documentation from a state, tribal, or federal agency (Social Security Administration,  


Veterans’ Administration, Arizona Department of Economic Security, etc.)

• Temporary on-base billeting facility (for military families)

• Under A.R.S. § 41-5001(A), school districts and charter schools must accept consular identification  cards that are issued by a foreign government as a valid form of identification if the foreign government uses biometric verification techniques in issuing the consular identification card.  8 *A model Arizona Residency Documentation Form is available for schools at the end of this document.  


2. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) that does not maintain his or her own residence: The parent or legal guardian must have an affidavit of shared residency form completed indicating his or her name, the name of the school district, school site, or charter school in which the student is being enrolled, and submit a signed, notarized affidavit for the person who maintains the residence where the student lives attesting to the fact that the student resides at that address, along with a document from the bulleted list bearing the name and address of the person who maintains the residence.  


*A model Affidavit of Shared Residence form is available for schools at the end of this document.  




School officials must retain a copy of the attestations or affidavits and copies of any supporting documentation presented for each student (photocopies acceptable) that school officials believe establish validity. Documents presented may be different in each circumstance, and unique to the living situation of the student. Documents retained by the school district or charter school may be used as an indication of residency; however, documentation is subject to audit by the Department.  


Personally identifiable information other than name and address (SSN, account numbers, etc.) should be redacted from the documentation either by the parent/guardian or the school official prior to filing. MOST INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PARENTS AND GUARDIANS TO ARIZONA PUBLIC SCHOOLS IS AN EDUCATIONAL RECORD MADE CONFIDENTIAL UNDER THE FEDERAL EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT AND ARIZONA LAW UNLESS DESIGNATED BY THE SCHOOL AS  


8 See Amphitheater Unified Sch. Dist. No. 10 v. Harte, 128 Hart Ariz. 233, 234 (1981), § 15-187(C); noting that school districts and charter schools are political subdivisions.  


Arizona Department of Education Arizona Residency Documentation Form  

As the Parent/Legal Guardian of the Student, I attest* that I am a resident of the State of Arizona and submit in support of this attestation a copy of the following document that displays my name and residential address or physical description of the property where the student resides:  


Valid Arizona driver’s license, Arizona identification card or motor vehicle registration Valid Arizona Address Confidentiality Program authorization card Real estate deed or mortgage documents Property tax bill  


Residential lease or rental agreement Water, electric, gas, cable, or phone bill Bank or credit card statement

W-2 wage statement  


Payroll stub  


Certificate of tribal enrollment (506 Form) or other identification issued by a recognized Arizona


Documentation from a state, tribal or federal government agency (Social Security Administration, Veteran’s Administration, Arizona Department of Economic Security)  


Temporary on-base billeting facility (for military families)


Consular identification card issued by a foreign government as a valid form of identification if the foreign government uses biometric verification techniques in issuing the consular identification card


I am currently unable to provide any of the foregoing documents. Therefore, I have provided an original affidavit signed and notarized by an Arizona resident who attests that I have established residence in Arizona with the person signing the affidavit.  

*For members of the armed services, the provision of verifiable documentation does not serve as a declaration of official residency for income tax or other legal purposes. Armed service members may utilize a temporary on-base billeting facility as the address for proof of residency.  

Academia Del Pueblo

Student Registration Form 2021-2022

The following documents are required prior to attendance, but they ARE NOT required as a condition for enrollment. 

1. Immunization records

 *Pursuant to Arizona law, “[a] pupil shall not be allowed to attend school without submitting documentary proof [of immunization] . . . unless the pupil is exempted from immunization pursuant to section 15-873.”[11] Accordingly, charter schools may request, but may not require, proof of immunization or an exemption as a condition for enrollment. Such documentation is required prior to a student’s attendance but not for enrollment. [12] [13] A school cannot deny enrollment due to the parent/guardian submitting an exemption form in place of immunization records.


2. Official Notice of Pupil Withdrawal


*A student who has previously attended a school in this state is required to submit a properly executed ADE Official Notice of Pupil Withdrawal form (“Withdrawal Form”) prior to his/her attendance.[9] The Withdrawal Form is a requirement for attendance but may not be a condition of enrollment.[10]


*Please note: 10 Consecutive unexcused absences may lead to a student withdrawal. 

Registration FORM: 2021-2022(The following student information is needed, BUT they are NOT required as a basis from Enrollment at Academia Del Pueblo) 

Student Information

Select an option
Has the student ever been expelled OR in the process of being expelled?
Grade Level (you wish to enroll):
Returning Student:
OPTIONAL: Ethnicity
What is the primary language in th household:
What Language did the student first speak:
What language is the most spoken by the studet
Has your child ever been retained?

Parent/Guardian Information

Does the student need Transportation? *Transportation Request Pending. Manager MUST CONFIRM availability


List all previous schools (attach separate sheet if necessary):

Optional, Reason for leaving: